+632 8816 4233 reachus@mgcnewlife.edu.ph

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MGC New Life Christian Academy 14th Drive, University Parkway Bonifacio Global City, Fort Bonifacio Taguig City, 1634 Metro Manila, Philippines

You can reach us at

+63 2 8816 4233 reachus@mgcnewlife.ph

MGC New Life Christian Academy is now an authorized IB World School for the PYP.



MGC New Life Christian Academy


"You... shall rejoice in everything you have put your hand to because the Lord your God has blessed you.” (Deuteronomy 12:7) The truth of this verse was realized in both Makati Gospel Learning Center and New Life Foundational Learning Center. Born on the same year in two different places, both schools started with prayer and a vision to share the Gospel of Christ's love for all through quality Christian education.

In 1988, the Lord caused a group of Christians to have a vision. This led them to realize that the best way to share the Gospel is through education. Just imagine the difference a Christian school could make if all its workers have the burden to evangelize their students! With not a single cent to start with, the group held the first prayer meeting on June 25, 1988. From then on, they met every last Sunday of the month for prayer. Two years later, they decided to act on what they had been praying for. "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3) This verse prompted the group to move forward and experience God's promise. In June 1991, with a batch of 33 pupils, New Life Foundational Learning Center (NLFLC) opened its first year in Paco.

The school was getting too crowded for its growing population. To address the need, it rented a house while funds were being solicited and a bigger place was being sought. But every time a suitable place was found, the place had already been sold. It seemed that the Lord was closing every door. The lesson of waiting and trusting was learned.

In a not so distant place, the board of deacons of Makati Gospel Church (MGC) was thinking of church growth projects. Being of one heart and led by the Spirit, they started a school in May 1990. A planning committee was formed to work on the project. The school was named Makati Gospel Learning Center (MGLC) in November 1990. It operated as a pre-school for three to five-year old children using the church's Sunday school rooms as classrooms.

In March 1992, MGC acquired the 1,148-square meter property beside the church building. In 1993, MGLC started offering Grade 1 with a total student population of 83. The school building construction commenced in November 1993. The Lord faithfully provided for both the land acquisition and building construction. In March of 1995, the new school building of MGLC was completed.  Now the school was ready for expansion.

The year 1997 was a critical one for the school. The school board decided to shift the English curriculum to the Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.) program. They believed that this would be better suited to meet the needs of Christian students. Many teachers, however, did not believe that way, and they left. It became clear that MGLC had to look for people who have similar outlook in this issue. At that time, what New Life needed was the infrastructure.  What MGLC needed was human resource.   The Lord had marvelously worked again. He gave the board of trustees of MGLC and administrators of NLFLC a chance to talk. Since the ideals of both schools were the same, the possibility of a merger was seen. After several weeks of prayer, it became clear that the Lord's will for both schools were to merge. In 1997, New Life Foundational Learning Center and Makati Gospel Learning Center merged to become the MGC New Life Foundational Learning Center.

In obedience to God's prompting, 1999 birthed the high school department of the MGC New Life. Consequently thereafter, the school was named MGC New Life Christian Academy.

Towards the beginning of the 21st century, the place in Makati became too cramped for the steady growing population of the school. The School Board and administrators once again sought God for help and guidance. Once again, God pulled through and blessed the School with a 4,976-square meter lot in Taguig City. In June 2004, the students and teachers moved into the new five-storey building that was borne out of God's faithfulness and grace

Now after more than thirty years of existence, MGC New Life Christian Academy stands true to its commitment of spreading God's Word and training up children to become Godly leaders in the 21st century.

As we are getting settled in the nice building at Bonifacio Global City that we thought to be our final nest, the students kept coming, and the needs kept growing. Then the K to 12 mandate of DepEd was rolled out. After several attempts to look for properties in the vicinity to lease or purchase, we have to contend with the slice of property that we have and be creative to expand the limited space to accommodate the seeming unending needs of students, teachers and staff, and the community at large.

By faith we pitched our tent to the farthest end of the property line and constructed a seven-storey multi-purpose building to house the facilities that we have been wanting to have -- parking, gym, library, and canteen.

Many things may have changed -- location, curricula, personnel. But some things are here to stay: the school's mandate, our obedience, and God's faithfulness with the intensity and fervor that began the ministry more than thirty years ago.


MGC New Life Christian Academy is bound by its commitment to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to train up children to become God-fearing and socially responsible young leaders through high quality Christian education based on Biblical truths and principles.


A leading school recognized for developing learners to become excellent in academics and character, who will be CHRISTIAN LEADERS that will make a difference in the 21st Century.

Core Values

Faith – MGCNL believes that faith in God should be first and foremost above all. That from faith – salvation, good works, and a commitment to the Great Commission can be brought about.

Excellence – The school believes that a commitment to excellence as well as a good measure of a Christian’s obedience to the God-given mandate to do his best, is necessary for proper nation building.

Character – Any true success of an individual is measured not by his achievements but measure of a Christian’s obedience to the God-given mandate to do his best, is necessary for proper nation building by how he carried himself towards success. Because God measures success by a person’s character, we encourage our students to continually improve their character by following God’s leading in every aspect of their lives.

Leadership – In accordance with the school’s vision, MGCNL believes in training Godly servant-leaders, who will emulate Christ in all of their endeavors, living a life of a true disciple.

Students-Learning Outcomes

maturing MGC New Life student will become:

L – ifelong and passionate learner

E – thical and responsible citizen

A – ble and accountable steward

R – ational and critical thinker

N – oble and selfless individual

E – ffective and reputable communicator

R – eliable and resourceful researcher

S – piritual and prudent discerner

Philosophy of Education

A. MGCNL believes that the Holy Bible is the Word which provides perfect and sufficient instructions in all matters of faith and Christian living, so that it forms the basis of true quality education.

B. MGCNL believes that reality is centered on the reality of God Himself, not in human philosophies or material things.

C. MGCNL believes that every child is unique and special in the eyes of God, being gifted with a distinctive blend of God-given skills and abilities which, with proper motivation and guidance, can be developed to its full potential.

D. MGCNL believes in the use of discipline as a form of guidance, not punishment. Healthy discipline is necessary to growth and should not be viewed as an end in itself.

E. MGCNL believes that learning should be made fun and enjoyable to the child. It contributes to a healthier psychological development when a child is free to express and not suppress his feelings in his natural way.

F. MGCNL believes in providing a learning environment which facilitates the growth of the child. It believes in the application of affirmation, praise, and encouragement rather than ridicule and criticism which lead to demoralization.

G. MGCNL believes that play is not to replace learning, and that these two must be creatively linked together, so that play facilitates and enhances learning.

H. MGCNL believes that the following traits are important in shaping future leaders and citizens who will contribute significantly to the betterment of the national and international community:

1. faith and commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior

2. a heart for spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ

3. academic competence and ethics

4. social awareness and concern

I. MGCNL seeks to achieve its mission through the involvement and endeavor of the students, alumni, faculty, administration, church, and parents.

J. MGCNL believes that God has given the child to the parents. The parents are responsible for the child’s nurture and education. The parents delegate to the school the responsibility of providing an education for their children.

K. MGCNL believes that the teacher is responsible to provide a Christian education for the student both by example and by instruction. Therefore the school requires that the teacher should not only profess a biblical acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, but must also manifest it in his life.